Monday, March 8, 2010

Outcome from the Cabbage Soup Diet

Ok, so have I left you hanging as to how I was doing with the diet?

Let me just give you a recap of what I have eaten for the past 7 days (yesterday was the last day)

Day 1 : Fruit and soup day. I ate my soup for lunch and dinner and had fruit (grapes, apples, fruit cup, etc.) to fill in the rest of my food intake.

Day 2: Veggie and soup day. I ate my soup mostly this day and had a baked potatoe and small side salad at McAlister's for dinner.

Day 3: Fruit, veggie and soup day. Today was a great day. I had strawberries for breakfast sweetened slightly with some spenda. I had some steamed broccoli (Grean Giant steamers) for mid morning snack. I had my soup for lunch and I had some grapes for my afternoon snack. Dinner was another story, although I started out good, we were out late gettting my new car so we stopped at Red Robin and I had a burger and fries. I was quite upset about this, but came right home and got on that exercise bike to work some of that off. BTW, I weighed myself this morning after only 2 days, and I was down 4 pounds already.

Day 4: Today was bananas and milk. I had 4 bananas throughout the day and drank about 1/2 gallon of 2% milk. (The diet calls for skim milk, but I just can't do that...I always drink 2%). I had my soup for dinner along with a small side salad (a girlfriend invited me out to dinner, and I was good with just the small salad).

Day 5: Today was my favorite. I was able to have steak tonight, so that is just what we did. I had my soup for lunch and we went out for dinner to Logans. I was good though with eating the Logan (I think it's 12 oz, and yes, I ate it all), salad with ranch (again, might not have been the best idea, but...that's what I wanted). I also had a roll, but just 1 roll...which is saying a lot for me because I love Logan's hot yeast rolls.

Day 6: This day was a little more difficult because we were running around all day. I had strawberries sweetened with splenda for breakfast, and then for lunch we went to Arby's and I had a Jr. Roast beef sandwich (about the size of a Crystal burger) and some water. For dinner we went to Sonny's and I had some of their roasted chicken (took the skin off), beans and corn on the cob. I did NOT have any of my soup today because I was not home from 9am-10pm and when I got home that night, I was just too stuffed from dinner and tired to eat ANYTHING!

Day 7: Ok, the final day of this crash diet. I didn't have any soup this day either, but not because I was sick of it. After church we went to Logan's and I had their Logan's Club salad which is HUGE. That completely filled me up (and I didn't even eat all of it). In the evening I made myself and my honey a smoothie (one of the Yoplait frozen kind), and that was it.

As for what I drank during this was mostly water. I might of had 2 grape Propel's at some point during the week, and a few unsweet teas sweetened with splenda, but other than that...water water WATER!

This morning while getting dressed I jumped on the scale and was down 9 pounds! I am not sure how accurate that is though, because this morning was the start of my monthly cycle, so I might be a little bloated too...but I'm very happy with the outcome. I will be honest and say, I only got on the exercise bike 1 time during this and rode 8 miles. I was just too busy with other things!

I plan on being off this diet for a few days, but since it worked so well, I plan on going on it two weeks straight right before the cruise!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing - I am glad you are happy with it. Sometimes it helps to have a jump start and I am glad if that helps you achieve your goal of a healthy and happy life. Katherine Jones WOC