Monday, February 1, 2010

Snowed In...Cabin Fever

And it was only for 1 day!

We had a pretty bad winter system come through the Carolina's this past weekend. I must admit that I had to eat my words, because on Friday I was sure that we weren't going to get anything that was worth mentioning. I mean during this winter season we have heard, more than once, that snow was coming our way...and nothing. So, this time I thought the same thing, I mean we were coming off of a week of having 60 degree weather!
Then it came....

Most of what we got in our area was sleet. Matter of fact, all through the night on Friday, it sounded like a hail storm with all the sleet coming down. When we woke up Saturday morning, we had close to 3 inches of solid ice. Of course I thought it was snow (I'm from Florida, remember?), but the hubby quickly nipped that thought out of my head. He's from here, and I should listen to him...but sometimes it's hard to admit when he is right.

The poor dogs were slipping all around the back yard on the ice we had, and I have to admit...I laughed about it. COME ON, IT WAS FUNNY...AND THEY DIDN'T HURT THEMSELVES.
Due to the weather, we stayed in all day on Saturday and watched movies. Some of them were kind of stupid, but we watched them anyway. We were trying out the Netflix instant movies online. The hubby just connected a cable from our laptop to our TV and surround sound. I was actually pretty impressed with the quality of the sounds and picture.

By Sunday night they had cancelled all but 1 of our church services (we normally have 3 morning services). All life groups (what we call our Sunday School) were cancelled, which totally stunk, because we LOVE our classmates. But, by 1pm we ventured out to see what the roads were like. Thankfully they had cleared off quite a bit (enough for me to feel ok to drive to work today).

It's kind of funny...I always thought it would be great to be snowed in for a few days...but after the one day, I was ready to get out and get doing something. I'm so glad that I was able to.

They are calling for some more freezing rain tonight, but I'm hoping it won't be anything too serious, because us Florida people don't know how to drive on icy roads. I think this guy must have been a Florida driver!

1 comment:

Learning As I Go said...

I am so glad I live in Florida. Snow and I are not friends! I hate being cold and as much as playing in the snow sounds like fun. I personally would rather lay on the beach. Be careful driving in that mess hun. Miss ya!